English German
inhabitant of Rhineland-Palatinate Rheinland-Pfälzer
inhabitant of Rome Römer
inhabitant of Salzgitter Salzgitteraner
inhabitant of Saxony-Anhalt Sachsen-Anhalter
inhabitant of Schleswig-Holstein Schleswig-Holsteiner
inhabitant of the Allgäu Allgäuer
inhabitant of the Black Forest Schwarzwälderin
inhabitant of the border area Grenzbewohner
inhabitant of the Breisgau Breisgauer
inhabitant of the earth Erdbewohner
inhabitant of the Forest of Odes Odenwälder
inhabitant of the Saarland Saarländer
inhabitant of the steppe Steppenbewohner
inhabitant of Ticino Tessiner
inhabitant of Tokyo Tokioter
inhabitant of Valais Walliser
inhabitant of Verona Veroneser
inhabitant of Vienna Wiener
inhabitant of Warsaw Warschauer
inhabitant of Washington Washingtonerin
inhabitant of Worms Wormserin
inhabitant of Zurich Zürcher
inhabitants Bürger
inhabitants of Brussels Brüsseler
inhabitants of the earth Erdbewohner
inhabitants of the steppe Steppenbewohner
inhabitated area Wohnfläche
inhabitation Aufenthalt
inhabited bewohnt
Inhabited Island Die bewohnte Insel
inhalable einatembar
inhalable particles einatembare Partikel
inhalant einatmend
inhalation Einatmung
inhalation ... Inhalations...
inhalation anaesthesia Inhalationsnarkose
inhalation anaesthetic Inhalationsanästhetikum
inhalation anaesthetic agent Inhalationsnarkotikum
inhalation anaesthetic agents Inhalationsnarkotika
inhalation anaesthetics Inhalationsanästhetika
inhalation anesthesia Inhalationsnarkose
inhalation anesthetic Inhalationsanästhetikum
inhalation anesthetics Inhalationsanästhetika
inhalation device Inhalationsgerät
inhalation hypalgesia Inhalationshypalgesie
inhalation pneumonia Inhalationspneumonie
inhalation room Inhalatorium
inhalation scintigraphy Inhalations-Szintigrafie
inhalation therapy Inhalationsbehandlung
inhalation treatments Inhalationsbehandlungen
inhalation tuberculosis Inhalationstuberkulose
inhalational anaesthetic Inhalationsanästhetikum
inhalational anesthetic Inhalationsanästhetikum
inhalational anthrax inhalativer Anthrax
inhalative inhalativ
inhalator Inhalator
inhalatorium Inhalatorium
inhalators Inhalatoren
inhale einatmen
inhaled atmete ein
inhaler Inhalationsapparat
inhaler device Inhalator
inhalers Inhaliergeräte
inhaling apparatus Inhalationsapparat
inhaling apparatuses Inhalationsapparate
Inhambane Inhambane
Inhambane Province Inhambane
inharmonic unharmonisch
inharmonically unharmonisch
Inharmonicity Inharmonizität
inharmonious gespannt
inharmoniously unharmonisch
inhaul Zugseil
inhere anhaften
inhere in sth. einer Sache innewohnen
inhered angehaftet
inherent anhaftend
inherent address indirekte Adresse
inherent addressing indirekte Adressierung