English German
head of posterior horn of spinal cord Hinterhornkopf
head of project Projektleiter
head of site security Objektschutzbeauftragte
head of state Staatschef
head of stone Steinkopf
head of sub project Teilprojektleiter
head of the chancellory Kanzleramtschef
head of the church Kirchenoberhaupt
head of the CID Kriminaldirektor
head of the cock Schwanzspitze
head of the criminal investigation department Kriminaldirektor
head of the department Abteilungsleiter
head of the dick Schwanzspitze
head of the district authority Landrat
head of the dong Schwanzspitze
head of the family Familienvater
Head of the Federal Chancellary Bundeskanzlerin
Head of the Federal Chancellery Bundeskanzler
head of the femur Oberschenkelhals
head of the government Regierungschef
head of the household Haushaltungsvorstand
head of the letter Briefkopf
head of the local council Gemeindevorsteher
head of the local tax authority Finanzamtsleiter
head of the malleus Hammerkopf
head of the municipal planning and building control office Stadtbaurat
head of the party Parteispitze
head of the pecker Schwanzspitze
head of the police commission Polizeipräsident
head of the schools department Schuldezernent
head of the standings Tabellenspitze
head of the thighbone Oberschenkelhals
head of the ulna Ulnaköpfchen
head of the valley Talschluss
head of thigh bone Hüftkopf
head of throwing spear Wurfspeerspitze
Head of Traveller Der rätselhafte Leichnam
head of ulna Ulnaköpfchen
head of water Wassersäule
head off ablenken
head office Direktion
head office, HO Zentrale
head offices Zentralen
head official Amtsleiter
head officials Amtsleiter
head on frontal