English German
golden-tufted grackle Goldachselstärling
golden-winged cacique Goldschulterkassike
golden-winged grosbeak Goldflügelgimpel
golden-winged manakin Goldschwingenpipra
golden-winged parakeet Braunkinnsittich
golden-winged sparrow Goldflügel-Ruderammer
golden-winged sunbird Goldschwingen-Nektarvogel
golden-winged tody flycatcher Goldflügel-Spateltyrann
golden-winged warbler Goldflügelwaldsänger
golden-yellow white-eye Philippinenbrillenvogel
goldenberry Goldbeere
goldencrown tetra Laub-Salmler
goldeneye Schellente
goldeneye duck Schellente
Goldenhar syndrome Goldenhar-Syndrom
goldenrod Goldrute
goldenrods Goldruten
goldenseal Goldsiegelwurzel
Goldenstedt Goldenstedt
goldentop grass Goldgras
Golders Green Golders Green
Golders Green tube station Golders Green
goldfield Goldlager
goldfieldite Goldfieldit
goldfinch Dompfaff
goldfinches Distelfinken
Goldfinger Goldfinger
goldfinger banana Goldfinger-Banane
goldfish Goldfisch
Goldfish Bowl Erwachen im Goldfischglas
goldfishes Goldfische
goldflake angel Goldtupfen-Kaiserfisch
Goldflam's disease Erb-Goldflam-Krankheit
Goldflam-Erb disease Erb-Goldflam-Krankheit
goldhammer Goldammer
Goldhawk Road tube station Goldhawk Road
Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn
Goldie's bird of paradise Lavendelparadiesvogel
Goldie's lorikeet Veilchenlori
Goldie's shield fern Riesenwurmfarn
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldlöckchen und die drei Bären
goldilocks aster Goldaster
goldilocks buttercup Gold-Hahnenfuß
Goldilocks principle Prinzip des gesunden Mittelmaßes
Goldilocks zone Lebenszone
Goldingen Goldingen SG
goldish yellow goldgelb
Goldisthal Goldisthal
Goldkronach Goldkronach
Goldman Environmental Prize Goldman Environmental Prize
Goldman equation Goldman-Gleichung
Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs
Goldman's wood rat Goldman-Buschratte
Goldman's wood-rat Goldman-Buschratte
Goldman's woodrat Goldman-Buschratte
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz-Gleichung
goldmanite Goldmanit
goldmine Goldgrube
goldmoss sedum Scharfer Mauerpfeffer
goldmoss stonecrop Scharfer Mauerpfeffer
goldringed puffer Goldringel-Kugelfisch
goldrush mentality Goldgräberstimmung
goldrush mood Goldgräberstimmung
Goldsboro Goldsboro
Goldsborough Goldsborough
Goldscheider's disease Epidermolysis bullosa
Goldschmidt Goldschmidt
Goldschmidt classification Goldschmidt-Klassifikation
goldsmith Goldschmied