English German
form first to last die ganze Zeit
form flash Formulareinblendung
Form follows function Form follows function
form generator Formular-Generator
form grinding Formschleifen
form handling equipment Formularhantierungsgerät
form into sich zu etw. ordnen
form into arch (back Arm)
form into crystals auskristallisieren
form letter Standardbrief
form letters Serienbriefe
form line Formlinie
Form Line of Battle! Nahkampf der Giganten - Flaggkapitän Bolitho bei der Blockade Frankreichs
form lines Formlinien
form lining Schalhaut
form loading Papiereinzug
form lock Formschluss
form lumps zusammenballen
form machine-relieved cutter formhinterdrehter Fräser
form manager Formular-Manager
form mask Formularmaske
form milling Formfräsen
form milling machine Formfräsmaschine
form mode Maskenbetrieb
form of accommodation Wohnform
form of address Anrede
form of adress Anredeform
form of agreement Vertragsformular
form of application Bewerbungsformular
form of art Kunstrichtung
form of boys Jungenklasse
form of communication Kommunikationsform
form of confession Beichtformel
form of discrimination Art der Benachteiligung
form of distribution Vertriebsform
form of energy Energieform
form of expression Ausdrucksform
form of girls Mädchenklasse
form of governing Herrschaftsform
form of government Regierungsform
form of intuition Anschauungsform
form of knowledge Wissensform
form of life Lebensform
form of local transport Nahverkehrsmittel
form of local transportation Nahverkehrsmittel
form of oath Eidesformel
form of organisation Organisationsform
form of organization Organisationsform
form of plasmolysis Plasmolyseform
form of rationality Rationalitätsform
form of representation Darstellungsform
form of rule Herrschaftsform
form of socialisation Sozialisationsform
form of socialization Sozialisationsform
form of sport Sport
form of teaching Unterrichtsform
form of the skull Schädelform
form of transporation Beförderungsart
form of transport Beförderungsart
form oil Schalungsöl
form on the day Tagesform
form overlay Formulareinblendung