English German
Earth Song Die Stimme der Erde
earth source heat pump erdgekoppelte Wärmepumpe
earth source heat pump system Erdreich-Wärmepumpenanlage
earth spirit Erdgeist
earth stake Erdungsspiess
earth station Bodenstation
earth station antenna terrestrische Satellitenfunkantenne
earth sth. etw. erden
earth strap Masseband
earth strip Erdungsstreifen
earth subgrade Untergrund
earth subsidence Bodensenkung
Earth Summit United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
earth switch Erdungsschalter
earth symbol Erdungssymbol
earth system Erdungssystem
Earth system research Erdsystemforschung
earth terminal Erdklemme
earth terminals Masseklemmen
earth tester Erdungsmesser
earth testers Isolationsprüfer
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub.
earth treatment Erdung
earth tremor Erdbeben
earth tremors Erdbeben
Earth vs. the Giant Spider Die Rache der schwarzen Spinne
Earth vs. the Spider Spinnen des Todes
earth wall Erdwall
earth wall surmounted by a hedge Knick
earth walls Erdwälle
earth wax Erdwachs
earth wire Erdungsleiter
earth works Erdarbeiten
earth's albedo Erd-Albedo
earth's atmosphere Erdatmosphäre
earth's core Erdkern
earth's crust Erdkruste
earth's energy budget Energiehaushalt der Erde
earth's field Erdfeld
Earth's Final Fury Der Tag, an dem die Welt unterging
earth's gravitational field Erdschwerefeld
earth's gravitational pull Erdanziehung
Earth's gravity Erdgravitation
earth's interior Erdinnere
Earth's Long Shadow Der grosse Blitz
earth's magnetic field Erdmagnetfeld
earth's mantle Erdmantel
earth's moon Erdmond
Earth's noise Erdrauschen
earth's orbit Erdbahn
Earth's Other Shadow Der Erde anderer Schatten
earth's radiation budget Strahlungshaushalt der Erde
earth's rotation Erdrotation
earth's surface Erdoberfläche
earth, ground, erden
Earth-boring dung beetle Mistkäfer
earth-bound prosaisch
earth-color Erdbraun
earth-colored erdfarben
earth-colour Erdbraun
earth-coloured erdfarben
Earth-crosser asteroid Erdnaher Asteroid
earth-dweller Erdenbürgerin
earth-dwellers Erdenbürgerinnen
earth-fault relay Erdschlussrelais
earth-fill dam Erddamm
earth-fill dams Erddämme
earth-free erdfrei