English German
Doctor in Trouble Ein blinder Passagier hat's schwer
doctor information system Arztinformationssystem
doctor information systems Arztinformationsysteme
Doctor Jack Dr. Jack
doctor joke Arztwitz
Doctor Khumalo Doctor Khumalo
doctor knife Rakel
doctor knives Abstreichgummis
Doctor Know-All Doktor Allwissend
Doctor Mabuse Doktor Mabuse
Doctor No 007: James Bond jagt Dr. No
Doctor of Business Administration Doctor of Business Administration
Doctor of Canon and Civil Law Doktor beider Rechte
Doctor of Commerce Doktor der Betriebswirtschaft
Doctor of Commercial Law Doktor des Handelsrechts
Doctor of Dental Surgery Zahnarzt
Doctor of Economics Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Doctor of Juripsrudence Doktor der Jurisprudenz
Doctor of Laws Doktor der Rechte
Doctor of Medicine Doktor der Medizin
Doctor of Philosophy Doktor
Doctor of Science Doktor
Doctor of the Church Kirchenlehrer
doctor on call Notarzt
doctor on duty Bereitschaftsarzt
doctor on emergency call Notarzt
doctor on his ward round Visite
Doctor Pascal Doktor Pascal
Doctor Phillips Doctor Phillips
doctor roll Rakel
doctor rolls Rakel
Doctor Sleep Kalter Schlaf
Doctor Snuggles Doctor Snuggles
doctor solution Doktorlösung
doctor sth. etw. fälschen
doctor sweetening Doktorbehandlung
doctor treatment Doktorbehandlung
doctor up aufmöbeln
Doctor Who Doctor Who
doctor who is treating participants in a students' duel Paukarzt
doctor who treats celebrities Promiarzt
Doctor Zhivago Doktor Schiwago
doctor's appointments Arzttermine
doctor's assistant Arzthelferin
doctor's assistants Arzthelfer
doctor's bag Bereitschaftstasche
doctor's bill Arztrechnung
doctor's bill for private health treatment Privatliquidation
doctor's bills Arztrechnungen
doctor's call Krankenbesuch
doctor's cap Doktorhut
doctor's case Arztkoffer
doctor's cases Arztkoffer
doctor's certificate Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung
doctor's certificates Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungen
doctor's chair Behandlungsstuhl
doctor's chairs Arzthocker
doctor's consultation Sprechstunde
doctor's consultation hour Arztsprechstunde
doctor's couch Arztliege
doctor's couches Arztliegen
doctor's degree Doktorhut
Doctor's Diary Doctor's Diary - Männer sind die beste Medizin
doctor's dispensary ärztliche Hausapotheke
doctor's entrance Einfahrt zu einer Arztpraxis
doctor's examination room Behandlungszimmer
doctor's examination rooms Behandlungszimmer
doctor's eye glasses Doktorbrille
doctor's fee ärztliches Honorar
doctor's glasses Doktorbrille
doctor's jargon Ärztesprache
doctor's kit Arztkoffer
doctor's kits Arztkoffer
doctor's language Medizinersprache
doctor's notes Krankenblatt
doctor's office Praxis
doctor's office computer Praxiscomputer
doctor's office with an appointments system Bestellpraxis
doctor's offices Arztsprechzimmer
doctor's overall Arztkittel
doctor's personal seal Arztstempel
doctor's personal seals Arztstempel
doctor's receptionist Arzthelferin
doctor's report Arztbericht
doctor's reports Arztberichte
doctor's room Arztzimmer
doctor's rooms Arztzimmer
doctor's round Visite
doctor's rounds Visiten
doctor's secretary Arztsekretär
doctor's shop Arztpraxis
doctor's specs Doktorbrille
doctor's spectacles Doktorbrille
doctor's stool Arzthocker
doctor's surgeries Ordinationen
doctor's surgery Ordination
doctor's title Doktortitel
doctor's visit Arztbesuch
doctor's waiting room Arztwartezimmer
doctor's waiting rooms Arztwartezimmer
doctor's white coat Arztkittel
doctor's wife Arzt-Gattin
doctor-in-training Arzt in der Ausbildung
doctor-patient relation Arzt-Patient-Beziehung
doctor-patient-relationship Arzt-Patient-Beziehung
doctor-patient-relationships Arzt-Patient-Beziehungen
doctoral Doktor...
doctoral advisor Doktorvater
Doctoral candidate Doktorand
doctoral degree Doktortitel
doctoral degree regulations Promotionsordnung
doctoral dissertation Dissertation