English German
district hospital Kreiskrankenhaus
district hunter Revierjäger
district judge Bezirksrichter
district leader Kreisleiter
district league Bezirksliga
district magistrate Amtmann
district manager Bezirksleiter
district managers Bezirksleiter
district municipality Kreisgemeinde
district museum Bezirksmuseum
district network Bezirksnetz
district newspaper Stadtteilzeitung
district nurse Gemeindeschwester
district nurses Gemeindeschwestern
District of Columbia District of Columbia
District of Franklin Franklin-Distrikt
District of Prizren Prizren
District of Priština Priština
District of Uroševac Uroševac
district office Bezirksamt
district overprint Bezirksaufdruck
district president Regierungspräsident
district recruiting office Kreiswehrersatzamt
district road Kreisstraße
district savings bank Kreissparkasse
district secretary Kreissekretär
district traffic Bezirksverkehr
district under the jurisdiction of a municipality Weichbild
Districtes de Luxemburg Verwaltungsgliederung Luxemburgs
districts Bezirke
Districts and counties of Shanghai Liste der Stadtbezirke von Shanghai
Districts of Albania Kreise Albaniens
Districts of Austria Liste der Bezirke und Statutarstädte in Österreich
Districts of Bangladesh Distrikt
Districts of Belize Liste der Städte in Belize
Districts of Bhutan Distrikt
Districts of East Timor Administrative Aufteilung Osttimors
Districts of East-Timor Administrative Aufteilung Osttimors
Districts of England Districts in England
Districts of Germany Landkreis
Districts of Ghana Liste der Distrikte von Ghana
Districts of Hong Kong Distrikte von Hongkong
Districts of India Distrikt
Districts of Israel Bezirke Israels
Districts of Japan Gun
Districts of Latvia Verwaltungsgliederung Lettlands
Districts of Luxembourg Verwaltungsgliederung Luxemburgs
Districts of Nauru Administrative Gliederung Naurus
Districts of Northern Ireland Verwaltungsgliederung Nordirlands
Districts of Prague Verwaltungsbezirke in Prag
Districts of Serbia Bezirke Serbiens
Districts of Sierra Leone Verwaltungsgliederung Sierra Leones
Districts of Switzerland Bezirk
Districts of the Bahamas Distrikte der Bahamas
Districts of The Gambia Verwaltungsgliederung Gambias
Districts of Uganda Distrikte von Uganda
Districts of Vienna Wiener Gemeindebezirke
Districts of Wales Districts in England
Distrito Federal Distrito Federal
distrust Argwohn
distrusted misstraut
distrustful argwöhnisch