English German
coalesce vereinigen
coalesced verbunden
coalescence Fusion
coalescent zusammenwachsend
coalescer Koaleszer
coalesces verbindet sich
coalescing zusammenwachsend
coalface Kohlenstoss
coalfield Revier
coalfish Köhler
coalhead Abbaufront
coalification Inkohlung
coalify inkohlen
coaling crane Bekohlungskran
coaling cranes Bekohlungskrane
coaling facility Bekohlungsvorrichtung
coaling plant Bekohlungsanlage
coaling plants Bekohlungsanlagen
coaling road Bekohlungsgleis
coaling roads Bekohlungsgleise
coaling station Bekohlungsanlage
Coalinga Coalinga
coalition Block
coalition agreement Koalitionsvertrag
coalition committee Koalitionsausschuss
coalition crisis Koalitionskrise
coalition discipline Koalitionsdisziplin
Coalition for Patient Safety Aktionsbündnis für Patientensicherheit , APS
Coalition for Unity and Democracy Coalition for Unity and Democracy
coalition formed by CDU , FDP and the Green Party Jamaika-Koalition
coalition formed by CDU , SPD and the Green Party Kenia-Koalition
coalition formed by SPD, FDP and the Green Party Ampelkoalition
coalition formed by the CDU and the Green Party schwarz-grüne Koalition
coalition formed by the SPD and the Green Party rot-grüne Koalition
coalition formed by the SPD and the party DIE LINKE rot-rote Koalition
coalition fraction Koalitionsfraktion
coalition fractions Koalitionsfraktionen
coalition government Koalitionsregierung
coalition meeting Koalitionsrunde
coalition negotiation Koalitionsverhandlung
Coalition of Parties for Democracy Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia
coalition of states Staatenbündnis
coalition of the left Linksbündnis
coalition of the right Rechtsbündnis
coalition of the willing Koalition der Willigen
coalition parties Bündnisparteien
coalition partner Koalitionär
coalition partners Koalitionäre
coalition party Bündnispartei
Coalition Provisional Authority Koalitions-Übergangsverwaltung
coalition ructions Koalitionsstreit
coalition summit Koalitionsgipfel
coalition talk Koalitionsgespräch
coalition talks Koalitionsgespräche
coalition war Koalitionskrieg
coalition-forming parliamentary party Koalitionsfraktion
coalitioner Koalitionär
coalitioners Koalitionäre
coalitionist Koalitionär
coalitionists Koalitionäre
coalitions Koalitionen
coalitions of states Staatenbündnisse
coalmine Grube
coalmines Kohlebergwerke
coalpit Kohlenbergwerk