English German
casting photo Casting-Foto
casting photograph Casting-Foto
casting pic Casting-Foto
casting picture Casting-Foto
casting pit Gussgrube
casting pits Gussgruben
casting resin Gießharz
casting ring Gussring
casting show Castingshow
casting shows Castingshows
casting slip Gießmasse
casting technology Gießtechnik
casting tools and non-cutting shaping tools Gieß- und Umformwerkzeuge
casting vote Entscheidungsstimme
casting wax Gusswachs
casting yard Betonierplatz
casting your mind back noch wissend
casting-bay crane Giessereikran
casting-out-nines Neunerprüfung
castings Rollenbesetzungen
castings for sanitary appliances Sanitärguss
castings for the automotive industry Autoteile-Guss
castle Schloss
castle belonging to a knight Ritterburg
castle belonging to an order Ordensburg
castle belonging to knights Ritterburg
castle built by an order Ordensburg
castle built for the purpose of besieging an enemy's castle Trutzburg
castle built in water Wasserburg
castle built on a mountain spur Spornburg
castle built on a spur Spornburg
castle built to besiege an enemy castle Trutzburg
castle chapel Burgkapelle
Castle Clinton Castle Clinton National Monument
castle complex Burganlage
castle complexes Burganlagen
castle courtyard Schlosshof
castle defending a harbor Hafenburg
castle defending a harbour Hafenburg
castle dungeons Burgverliese
Castle Falkenstein Burg Falkenstein
castle garden Schlossgarten
castle gardens Schlossgarten
castle gate Burgtor
castle gateway Schlosstor
Castle Geyser Castle-Geysir
castle ghost Schlossgespenst
castle grounds Schlosspark
castle hall Burgsaal
castle hotel Burghotel
Castle Howard Castle Howard
castle in Spain Luftschloss
castle in the air Luftschloss
castle in the sky Luftschloss
castle keep Burgverlies
castle kitchen Burgküche