English German
attempt to set up a record Rekordversuch
attempt to set up a world record Weltrekordversuch
attempt to smuggle Schmuggelversuch
attempt to usurp Umsturzversuch
attempt to walk Gehversuch
attempt to write Schreibversuch
attempt upon a person's life Mordversuch
attempt upon sb.'s life Mordversuch
attemptable versuchenswert
attempted gewagt
attempted abortion Abtreibungsversuch
attempted assassination Attentat
attempted blackmail Erpressungsversuch
attempted break-in Aufbruchversuch
attempted break-ins Aufbruchversuche
attempted call Anrufversuch
attempted calls Anrufversuche
attempted coup Putschversuch
attempted coups Umsturzversuche
attempted escape Ausbruchsversuch
attempted extortion Erpressungsversuch
attempted fraud versuchter Betrug
attempted kidnapping Entführungsversuch
attempted larceny Diebstahlsversuch
attempted murder Mordanschlag
attempted putsch Putschversuch
attempted putsches Putschversuche
attempted rape Vergewaltigungsversuch
attempted rapprochement Annäherungsversuch
attempted rapprochements Annäherungsversuche
attempted robbery Raubversuch
attempted suicide Selbstmordversuch
attempted suicides Selbstmordversuche
attempted takeover Übernahmeversuch
attempted theft versuchter Diebstahl
attempting wagend
attempts Versuche
attempts at emulation Versuche, das Gleiche zu erreichen
attempts at mediation Vermittlungsversuche
attempts at reconstruction Rekonstruktionsversuche
attempts to escape Ausbruchsversuche