English German
as soon as possible baldigst
as soon as possible , asap , a.s.a.p. , ASAP , A.S.A.P. so bald wie möglich
as soon as she hears the word x, the shutters come down wenn sie schon das Wort X hört, geht bei ihr die Klappe runter
As soon as the boss came in the door, everyone sprang into action. Sobald der Chef zur Tür hereinkam, entfalteten alle eine plötzliche Betriebsamkeit.
as soon as the day broke schon am frühen Morgen
as sound as a bell gesund wie ein Fisch im Wasser
as sparks fly upward mit absoluter Sicherheit
as stated above wie oben angegeben
as stated below wie unten angeführt
as stated by sb. nach Aussage von jdm.
as stated in nach {prp
as statistics show wie die Statistik ausweist
as stipulated wie vereinbart
as such an sich
As Sulaymaniyah Governorate Provinz as-Sulaimaniyya
as sure as death so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche
as sure as eggs is eggs ganz sicher
as sure as shooting so sicher wie das Amen im Gebet
as sure as ten dimes buy a dollar sicherlich
as sweet as honey honigsüß
as sweet as sugar zuckersüß
as swift as an arrow pfeilschnell
As the amount is negligible, it will not be paid out. Der Betrag wird wegen Geringfügigkeit nicht ausbezahlt.
as the case may be je nachdem
as the case stands wie die Dinge stehen
as the circumstances may require den Umständen entsprechend
as the commission sees it nach den Vorstellungen der Kommission
as the crow flies in direkter Linie
as the day wore on im Laufe des Tages
As the debate unfolds citizens will make up their own minds. Im Zuge der Debatte werden sich die Bürger ihre eigene Meinung bilden.
As the law stands ... Angesichts der Gesetzeslage...
As the name suggests, ... Wie der Name schon sagt, ...
as the official phrase has it wie es offiziell heißt
as the official statement has it nach offizieller Sprachregelung
as the phrase goes wie man so schön sagt
As the phrase goes ... Wie man so schön sagt ...
As the rehearsals progressed, the ensemble improved. Im Laufe der Proben verbesserte sich das Zusammenspiel.
as the saying goes wie man zu sagen pflegt
As the Story Was Told Wie die Geschichte erzählt wurde
as the temperature rises bei Fieberanstieg
as the whim takes you ganz nach Lust und Laune
As the World Turns Jung und Leidenschaftlich - Wie das Leben so spielt
as the years go passing by wie die Jahre vorbeigehen
as they continued their getaway auf ihrer weiteren Flucht
as they say wie man zu sagen pflegt
as thick as a finger fingerdick
as thick as a thumb daumendick
as thick as one's finger fingerdick
as thick as one's thumb daumendick
as thick as they come saublöd
as thick as thieves unzertrennlich