English Danish
Soule Sola
Souled Out WCW Souled Out
sound lyd
sound card lydkort
Sound familiar Sonar
sound measurement lydmåling
Sound navigation ranging Sonar
Sound post Sjæl
sound pressure level akustisk niveau
sound wave lydbølge
Soundgarden Soundgarden
Soundtrack to the Apocalypse Soundtrack to the Apocalypse
Soundtrack to Your Escape Soundtrack To Your Escape
soup suppe
sour sur
source kilde
source code kildekode
Source criticism Kildekritik
Source engine Valve Source Engine
sourdough surdej
Sourkraut Sauerkraut
Soursop fruit Annona
south syd
South Africa Sydafrika
South African Afrikaans
South African Airways South African Airways
South African English sydafrikanske engelsk
South America Sydamerika
South Asia Sydasien
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAARC
South Australia South Australia
South Baden Baden
South Carolina South Carolina
South Caucasian languages Kartvelsk
South China Sea Sydkinesiske Hav
South China Tiger Sydkinesisk tiger
South Dakota South Dakota
South Estonian dialects Sydestisk
South Estonian language Sydestisk
South Georgia Sydgeorgien og Sydsandwichøerne
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Sydgeorgien og Sydsandwichøerne
South Holland Sydholland
South Island Sydøen
South Jutland Sønderjylland
South Jutland County Sønderjyllands Amt
South Jutlandic Sønderjysk
South Khorasan Province Syd Khorasan
South Korea Sydkorea
South of Heaven South of Heaven
South Ossetia Sydossetien
South Park South Park
South Pole Sydpolen
South Schleswig Voter Federation Sydslesvigsk Vælgerforening
South Sea Islands Oceanien
South Sudan Sydsudan
South Tarawa South Tarawa
South Tyrol Bolzano
South Vietnam Sydvietnam
South-East Asia Sydøstasien
south-southeast sydsydøst
south-southwest sydsydvest
South-West Africa Campaign Felttoget i Sydvestafrika
Southampton Southampton
Southampton Island Southampton
Southeast Asia Sydøstasien