English Danish
Nek Nek
Nelly Nelly
Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado
Nelly Sachs Nelly Sachs
Nelson Goodman Nelson Goodman
Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela
Nelson Muntz Nelson Muntz
Nelumbo Lotus
Nelumbo nucifera Lotus
Nelumbonaceae Lotus
Neman Nemunas
Neman River Nemunas
Nemanja Vidić Nemanja Vidic
Nematocera Nematocera
Nematoda Rundorme
nematode nematoder
Nemesis Nemesis
Nenad Bogdanović Nenad Bogdanović
Nenagh Nenagh
Neo Geo Neo-Geo
Neo-classical metal Neo-klassisk metal
Neo-Marxism Globalisering
Neo-Nazism Nynazisme
Neo-orthodoxy Dialektisk teologi
Neo-romanticism Nyromantisme
Neoclassical architecture Klassicismen
Neoconservatism Nykonservatisme
neodymium neodym
Neodynium Neodym
Neofunctionalism Neofunktionalisme
Neogene Neogen
Neolithic Yngre stenalder
Neolithic Revolution Den neolitiske revolution
neologism neologisme
neon neon
Neon Genesis Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon glow Neon
Neon tetra Almindelig neon
Neoplasie Neoplasi
neoplasm tumor
Neoplatonism Neoplatonisme
Neopragmatism Neopragmatisme
Nepa cinerea Skorpionstæge
Nepal Nepal
Nepal Airlines Nepal Airlines
Nepalese Nepalsk
Nepalese rupee Nepalesisk rupee
Nepali nepalesisk
Nepenthaceae Kandebærer-familien
Nepenthes Kandebærer
Neper Neper
nephew nevø
Nephthys Nephthys
Nepiophilia Infantofili
nepotism nepotisme
Neptun Neptun
Neptune Neptun
neptunegrass posidonia
neptunium neptunium
Nereid Nereid
Nereids Nereide
Nereis Nereis
Nereus Nereus
Nergal Nergal
Neris Neris
Nero Nero
Nero Burning ROM Sort
Nero Decree Nero-befalingen
Nerpa Bajkalsæl
Nerthus Nerthus
Nerva Nerva
nerve nerve
nervous nervøs
nervous system nervesystem
NES Nes i Akershus
Nesebar Nessebar
Nesna Nesna
Nesodden Nesodden
Nessebar Nessebar
Nesset Nesset
Nessun dorma Nessun dorma
nest rede
nesting redebygning
nesting area redebygningsområde
Nestlé Nestlé
Nestor Nestor
Nestor the Chronicler Nestor
net net
Netanya Netanya
Netherlands Holland
Netherlands - the Holland
Netherlands Antilles Nederlandske Antiller
Netsplit Split
netting policy netting-politik
nettle nælde
network net
Network address translation Network Address Translation
Network bridge Netværk bridge
Network card Netkort
Network effect Netværkseffekt
Network hub Hub
Network topology Topologi
Neubau Neubau
Neubrandenburg Neubrandenburg
Neuengamme Neuengamme
Neukölln Neukölln
Neumünster Neumünster
Neunkirchen-Seelscheid Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
Neuro-linguistic programming Neurolingvistisk Programmering