English Danish
infestation of crops angreb på afgrøde
infestation of food angreb på fødevarer
infidel hedensk
infiltration infiltration
Infinite monkey theorem Sætningen om uendeligt mange aber
Infinitive Infinitiv
Infinity Uendelig
Infinity on High Infinity On High
inflammable substance brandfarligt stof
Inflammation Betændelse
Inflatable boat Gummibåd
inflate opblæse
inflation inflation
Inflation pressure Atmosfære
Inflectional paradigm Paradigme
inflow tilstrømning
influence indflydelse
influenza influensa
Influenzavirus A Fugleinfluenza
info information
Infobox Albert Einstein
Inforamtion Information
inform meddele
informal negotiation uformel forhandling
informatics edb
information beretning
Information and Communications Technology Informationsteknologi
information centre informationscenter
information clearing-house informationsclearingcentral
information exchange informationsudveksling
information infrastructure informationsinfrastruktur
information kit konferencemappe
information network informationsnet
information processing informationsbehandling
information science edb
information service informationstjeneste
information source informationskilde
information system informationssystem
information technology informationsteknologi
information technology industry IT-industrien
Information Technology Infrastructure Library ITIL
Information Telegraph Agency of Russia ITAR-TASS
information transfer informationsoverførsel
Informbiro Kominform