English Danish
induce slutte
Inductance Induktion
Inductive reasoning Induktion
Inductor Elektrisk spole
Indulgence Aflad
Indus Indianeren
Indus River Indus
Indus Valley Civilization Induskulturen
industrial activity industriel aktivitet
industrial area industriområde
Industrial arts and crafts Kunst og håndværk
industrial association industrisammenslutning
industrial building industribygning
industrial crop industriplante
Industrial design Brugsmodel
Industrial design rights Designret
industrial development industriel udvikling
industrial dumping industridepot
industrial economics industrien
industrial effluent industrielt spildevand
industrial emission emission fra industrien
industrial environment industrimiljø
industrial environmental policy industrimiljøpolitik
industrial equipment materiel til industrien
industrial installation industrianlæg
industrial legislation industrilovgivning
industrial manufacturing industriel produktion
industrial material industrimateriale
industrial medicine arbejdsmedicin
Industrial metal Industrial metal
Industrial music Industrial
industrial noise industristøj
industrial planning industriplanlægning
industrial plant industrianlæg
industrial policy industripolitik
industrial process industriprocesser
industrial product industriprodukt
industrial production industriproduktion
industrial production statistics statistik over industriproduktion
industrial property right beskyttelse af industriel ejendomsret
Industrial Revolution Den industrielle revolution
Industrial rock Industrial
industrial safety arbejdssikkerhed
Industrial sector Industri
industrial site industrigrund
industrial sludge industrislam
industrial society industrisamfund
industrial structure industristruktur
industrial waste industriaffald
industrial waste gas industriel spildgas
industrial waste water industrispildevand
industrial wasteland tidligere industriarealer
Industrial Workers of the World Industrial Workers of the World
industrial zoning zoneinddeling
industrialisation industrialisering
industrious flittig
industry industri
Indymedia Indymedia
Inequality Ulighed
inert waste inert affald
Inertia Inerti
Inertia moment Inertimoment
Inertial frame of reference Inertialsystem
inertisation inert destruktion