English Danish
At wt Atomvægt
At-sign Snegl
Atabaque Atabaque
Atacama Atacamaørkenen
Atacama Desert Atacamaørkenen
Atacama Region Atacamaørkenen
Atacameño Atacamaørkenen
Atalanta Admiral
Atari Regnestok
Atari Jaguar Jaguar
ATC code A ATC
ATC code B ATC
ATC code C ATC
ATC code D ATC
ATC code G ATC
ATC code H ATC
ATC code J ATC
ATC code L ATC
ATC code M ATC
ATC code N ATC
ATC code P ATC
ATC code R ATC
ATC code S ATC
ATC code V ATC
Atefah Sahaaleh Atefeh Sahaaleh
Aten Aton
Aten asteroid Aten-asteroide
Athamas Athamas
Athanasian Creed Den athanasianske trosbekendelse
Atheism Ateisme
atheist ateist
Atheist Alliance International Atheist Alliance International
Athena Athene
Athenaeus Athenæum
Athene Athen
Athene noctua Kirkeugle
Atheneum Athenæum
Athenian Athen
Athenian democracy Det athenske demokrati
Athens Athen
Athens Prefecture Athen
Atheriniformes Tandkarpe
Atheroma Åreforkalkning
athlete atlet
Athletics Atletik
Athlon Athlon XP
Athmosphere Jordens atmosfære
Atholl Atol
Athrotaxis Athrotaxis
Athyriaceae Fjerbregne-familien
ATI Technologies ATI
Atkins Nutritional Approach Atkins-kuren
Atlanta Atlanta
Atlanta Braves Atlanta Braves
Atlanta Falcons Atlanta Falcons
Atlanta Thrashers Atlanta Thrashers
Atlantean atlantisk
Atlanterhavsveien Atlanterhavsvejen
Atlantic atlantisk
Atlantic Charter Atlanterhavserklæringen
Atlantic City Atlantic City
Atlantic halibut Hellefisk
Atlantic horse mackerel Hestemakrel
Atlantic Northern Right Whale Nordkaper
Atlantic Ocean Atlanterhavet
Atlantic slave trade Slavehandel
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Atlantisk plettet delfin
Atlantic Wall Atlantvolden
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin Hvidskæving
Atlantis Atlantis
Atlantis II Atlantis
atlas atlas
Atlas Cedar Atlas-Ceder
Atlas Mountains Atlasbjergene
Atlatl Atlatl
Atlántico Department Atlanterhavet
Atlántida Atlantis
Atlético Madrid Atlético de Madrid
Atmel AVR Atmel AVR
Atmosophere Æter
atmosphere atmosfære
atmospheric aerosol atmosfærisk aerosol
atmospheric chemistry atmosfærisk kemi
atmospheric circulation atmosfærisk cirkulation
atmospheric component bestanddel i atmosfæren
atmospheric composition atmosfærens sammensætning
atmospheric correction atmosfærisk korrektion
atmospheric fallout nedfald
atmospheric layering atmosfærisk lag
atmospheric monitoring overvågning af atmosfæren
atmospheric ozone atmosfærisk ozon
atmospheric particulate atmosfærisk partikel
atmospheric physics atmosfærefysik
atmospheric pollution forurening af atmosfæren
atmospheric precipitation nedbør
Atmospheric pressure Atmosfære
atmospheric process atmosfærisk proces
atmospheric science atmosfærevidenskaber
atmospheric structure atmosfærens struktur
Atol Kwajalein Kwajalein
atoll atol
atom atom
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atombomberne over Hiroshima og Nagasaki
Atomic clock Atomur
Atomic energy plant Atomreaktor
Atomic force microscope Atomic Force Microscope
atomic mass atommasse